Here is how you can easily boost you PC Performance without having to buy a new CPU or GPU. Its very useful when it comes to editing videos or thumbnails in programs like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier Pro CC 2017, Adobe After Effects, Sony Vegas Pro, Camtasia Studio, Etc. Any program it doesnt matter, it will just make your editing experience much better. Its also a way to run games a lot better as well, get better graphics and a higher fps. YOU WILL NEED TO DO THIS EACH TIME you load the program, it wont auto set it at a high process rate each time, so you will have to take 2 seconds to do this each time. I hope this helps and saves you some money rather than buying a new Processor or Graphics Card :) ENJOY!! My Twitter - My 2nd Channel: My Patreon - My Twitch: Add Me on SuperDanYT#1676 Add Me on PSN: SuperDan_YT Add Me on Steam: SuperDanYT My VidMe Channel: Please Remember to Like Comment & Most Importantly []- SHARE -[] the videos & channel with friends / family..... Thank you to the people that are doing this :) []- Who is SuperDan -[] My content revolves around Video Gaming & Helpful Videos, News, Updates & Things I think you will enjoy. Thanks for checking out my channel, and I hope to have you subscribe.